People looking for a personal trainer in Maryville, TN always ask, “How long until I see some real improvement?” My answer… “How hard/smart are you willing to work, meal plan and hold yourself accountable to a PLAN?”

Get Fit Maryville is the training group who can take all of the guesswork out of this! It all starts with 1 thing… What is your 6 WEEK GOAL? Strength? Weight Loss? Endurance? Inches off? Once this is established, the fitness and/or nutrition plan is put in play! Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

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Tony has helped me so much with my athletic training and explosive power by his amazing weight conditioning and workouts. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a great workout!

Eating to “Get Fit” Nutrition Plan

Nutrition makes up 80% of the results you achieve on any fitness or weight loss program. The primary goal of the “Eating to Get Fit” plan is to stimulate your metabolism so that it works for you…not against you. Keeping an accurate food log may be essential here pending your individual goals! Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Strength/Resistance Training to “Get Fit”

Strength/resistance training has been shown to burn up to 10 times as many calories per hour as cardiovascular training. Strength training is the only exercise that allows someone to actually shape their body as desired. The effectiveness of strength training makes this type of exercise the foundation of your Get Back Plan and it will be performed at least 2-3 hours per week. Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Cardiovascular Work to “Get Fit”

Cardiovascular training produces a healthy heart and is also a good way to burn extra fat on days when it is either not appropriate or not possible to perform your strength training. You may perform cardiovascular exercise at least 2-3 times per week at a level determined appropriate by your personal trainer to strengthen your heart and increase endurance. Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Combine the 3 Get Fit components, the best personal trainer in Maryville Tennessee

and your dedication, and success is inevitable!!

Please fill in the form below or email us at [email protected] to get your free, no obligation consultation with one of our Personal trainers in Maryville TN!  DON’T SETTLE!  TAKE THE STEP!  Personal Trainer in Maryville Tn!

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— Step 1 —

Free Evaluation

A full body postural and movement analysis will provide the information needed to customize your program.

— Step 2 —

Customized Plan

We’ll develop a plan to meet your personal physical goals that accounts for your assessment results.

— Step 3 —

Get Results

With your dedication, our customized plan will keep you moving towards your goal.


Each person that commits to a program with Tony has a story to tell: the divorcee who wanted to drop the baby weight and feel more confident, the overweight dad who wanted to play with his daughter without getting winded, or the mature man who wanted to combat newfound pains. Success isn’t just possible, it’s probable when you have Tony to guide you.

Get Fit Maryville is a gym for real people who are reaching their goal in a comfortable environment.

Want to be our next success story? Get started on a better you today!

Tony’s Encouraging Words

Both meditation and yoga have been around since the dawn of time...

Obesity related diseases are on the rise, as are the number of folks who are [...]

You probably know that crunches and sit-ups alone won’t give you sculpted abs. Only [...]


911 East Broadway Maryville, Tennessee

Mobile: 312-339-9747

Email: [email protected]

Web: getfitmaryville.com