
5 Reasons To Eat At Home

5 Reasons To Eat At Home

March 09, 20223 min read

5 Reasons To Eat At Home

Obesity related diseases are on the rise, as are the number of folks who are just plain unhappy with how their bodies look and feel. Cooking at home seems to be the first step in our road to healthier bodies.

Here are the top 5 reasons that you should starting cooking and eating at home…(Personal Trainer Maryville TN). Get Fit Maryville!

Reason #1: Your Health

Hyper processed foods are harmful to our health, and that’s exactly where you’ve been getting the bulk of your calories. Even restaurant food that contains fresh produce, chances are high that the produce is not organic, or local or non-GMO. Most of us are eating less than half of the recommended amount of fiber, fruit and vegetables, which eating at home could quickly change.

Simple meals made at home with fresh produce and organic meats or eggs are nutritionally superior to over-flavored, over-processed restaurant food. Not to mention the high calorie beverages and starters that so often accompany a restaurant meal. When you eat at home you take in more nutrient-dense calories that are higher in fiber.

Reason #2: It’s Easy

Eating out so often has conditioned our concept of a meal to be one with complicated flavors and accompaniments. This misconception has made us fear the kitchen. But I urge you to reconsider.

Meals made at home need not mirror those ordered in restaurants. On the contrary, simple is better when it comes to home cooking. Plan your entire meal around a couple of pieces of fresh produce and a wholesome, lean protein. No need for complicated sauces or sides – these are where the harmful calories hide anyway.

Reason #3: It’s Cheap

Fresh, simple ingredients do not cost much. Especially when compared to the cost of prepared meals. Bittman’s advice on ingredient shopping is to, “Buy what you can afford, and cook it yourself. Rice, beans, bacon, salad, bread –few things are cheaper than that.”

Shopping the perimeter of the store is always a good plan. Here you’ll find fresh produce, meats, dairy and seafood. Venture into the aisles for oils and spices to compliment the fresh ingredients.

Reason #4: It’s Proactive

In the US the annual health care expenses related to obesity is $150 billion, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Worldwide this number is over $1 trillion annually. These numbers are staggering and sobering when you think of all the individual lives that are being negatively impacted by obesity.

Rather than waiting for you and your family members to experience the health risks related to obesity, start your own mission to cook simple meals at home and redirect your future. Remember the words of Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Reason #5: It’s Slimming

Eating at home is also one of the best ways to reduce your body fat. Bittman states that meals eaten at home contain an average of 200 calories less than meals eaten out. Let me tell you, a reduction in 200+ calories per meal will quickly translate to pounds lost!

Start today, and don’t be afraid to start small.

Pick one meal that you’ll make at home either today or tomorrow and write down your simple menu and grocery list.

And let’s not forget the place that a challenging, consistent exercise program has in your quest for good health and a fit physique. My programs are specially designed to blast fat and to build muscle in all the right places. (Personal Trainer Maryville Tn)

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People looking for a personal trainer in Maryville, TN always ask, “How long until I see some real improvement?” My answer… “How hard are you willing to work, eat right and hold yourself accountable to a PLAN?”

Tony is the personal trainer who can take all of the guesswork out of this! It all starts with 1 thing… What is your 6 WEEK GOAL? Strength? Weight Loss? Endurance? Inches off? Once this is established, the fitness and/or nutrition plan is put in play! Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

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Tony has helped me so much with my athletic training and explosive power by his amazing weight conditioning and workouts. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a great workout!

Eating to “Get Fit” Nutrition Plan

Nutrition makes up 80% of the results you achieve on any fitness or weight loss program. The primary goal of the “Eating to Get Fit” plan is to stimulate your metabolism so that it works for you…not against you. Keeping an accurate food log may be essential here pending your individual goals! Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Strength/Resistance Training to “Get Fit”

Strength/resistance training has been shown to burn up to 10 times as many calories per hour as cardiovascular training. Strength training is the only exercise that allows someone to actually shape their body as desired. The effectiveness of strength training makes this type of exercise the foundation of your Get Back Plan and it will be performed at least 2-3 hours per week. Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Cardiovascular Work to “Get Fit”

Cardiovascular training produces a healthy heart and is also a good way to burn extra fat on days when it is either not appropriate or not possible to perform your strength training. You may perform cardiovascular exercise at least 2-3 times per week at a level determined appropriate by your personal trainer to strengthen your heart and increase endurance. Personal Trainer Maryville TN.

Combine the 3 Get Fit components, the best personal trainer in Maryville Tennessee

and your dedication, and success is inevitable!!

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Each person that commits to a program with Tony has a story to tell: the divorcee who wanted to drop the baby weight and feel more confident, the overweight dad who wanted to play with his daughter without getting winded, or the mature man who wanted to combat newfound pains. Success isn’t just possible, it’s probable when you have Tony to guide you.

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