Stressed? Try Changing Your Diet And Exercise Routine.  Feeling strung out? Having trouble sleeping? Jealous of how relaxed a cat on a hot tin roof looks? It’s probably time to change your exercise and diet routine to combat the effects of stress.

While stress is a normal part of life and can actually be good for the body to an extent, too much stress over long periods of time can take a serious toll. The effects of cumulative stress are well documented and can include the development of such serious conditions as heart disease, which may lead to strokes or heart attacks.

If you’re ready to make a positive change and fight back, diet and exercise are good places to start. Working with a trainer or the fitness pros at your health club, you can develop a plan to attack stress before it attacks you. Diet and exercise both are important components for a variety of reasons.

Why Diet Matters
When the body is not properly fueled, it can become run down and lead to problems with the immune system. Improper diet can compound the effects of stress and give it a serious foothold for sidelining your life.
A well-balanced, healthy diet can give your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to take common daily stressors in stride. Certain foods can also help combat stress directly by assisting you in keeping heart and mental health in mind.

To get the most out of a stress-combating diet, discuss a meal plan with your trainer. In general, you will want to include low-fat, low-sodium foods. A diet that is rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, lean sources of protein and whole grains is typically useful. Also, try to moderate caffeine and sugar consumption.

Exercise Works Out The Stress
Exercise is one of the best ways to fight back against stress in daily life. The physical action required in cardiovascular and strength training routines can benefit the body and the immune system and help promote better sleeping habits. Exercise is also a great way to clear the mind and let go of pent up aggressions in a healthy manner.
If you haven’t exercised in a while, you will benefit from working with a trainer to develop a routine that’s healthy for you. Diving into a program blind can lead to injury, which may increase stress levels rather than reduce them.

Stress is a silent killer that can have short-term and long-term impacts on the mind and body. When changes are made to diet and exercise routines, a big difference in the effects can be felt almost immediately.

The holiday’s can promote all kinds of STRESS! Some of it good, like excitement! Other forms of stress can be bad…financial, family problems and other things. Sticking to your routine or adding/shaking up your routine can be beneficial all the way around…mentally and physically!

Please enjoy a safe and joyous holiday season.